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PaySky OMNI Gateway – PayForm Plus Integration guide

17 min read



The purpose of this document is to specify how to integrate with PaySky OMNI Gateway – PayForm™ Plus to enable payment options on any website in few simple steps. 

Supported Payment channels by PaySky OMNI Gateway:

  • Digital Payment Schemes – Tahweel and mVISA.
  • National Payment Scheme (Egypt) – Meeza cards.
  • International Card Schemes – Visa and Mastercard.
  • Pay on Delivery (Payment on POS with delivery)


In order to start integration with PaySky OMNI Gateway you need to obtain the following from your partner bank:

  1. Merchant ID: Merchant unique identifier.
  2. Terminal ID: ID of the acceptance interface with different acceptance channels enabled/disabled (Card, Digital QR, & Pay on Delivery)


CVV (Card Verification Value) – Is the three digits’ number on the back of a credit card, the cardholder is required to enter the CVV number at transaction time to verify that the card is on hand.

HMAC: Hash-based Message Authentication Code – AKA keyed-hash message authentication code, is a specific type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. It may be used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authentication of a message, as with any MAC.

Host ID – is a specific piece of information which uniquely identifies the host used for transaction authorization.

PAN: Primary Account Number

STAN: System Trace Audit Number – A number assigned by the originator of a transaction to uniquely identify a transaction throughout its life.



Lightbox is a simple HTML & JavaScript plugin to integrate within merchant’s website to seamlessly enable payments with minimal technical development in order to process payments on PaySky OMNI Gateway.



In order to enable PaySky OMNI Gateway – PayForm on the merchant’s website, the following needs to be applied:

  • Merchant must subscribe in PaySky OMNI Gateway and enable selected acceptance networks to the merchant like Tahweel, mVISA, Card and Pay on Delivery.
  • Merchant must have a “web terminal” to allow different payment channels.


  1. Reference the Lightbox.js file:

Can be found on: 



<script src=””></script>

2. Setup LightBox configuration using “Lightbox.Checkout.configure”, request parameters details at parameters section
3. Setup callbacks functions:

  • completeCallback: triggered when payment completed successfully, result data object details at parameters section
  • errorCallback: triggered when payment has an error, error object details at parameters section
  • cancelCallback: triggered when user closes lightbox

Lightbox.Checkout.configure = {
AmountTrxn: amount,
MerchantReference: merchantReference, TrxDateTime: ‘202009171418’, SecureHash:
‘EAD7AB68E23BFF2E5B03F4A0CD41581722FD14C349C6743CD91B577341465A61’, completeCallback: function (data) {
//your code here
errorCallback: function (error) {
//your code here
cancelCallback: function () {
//your code here

4. Start the payment process by calling Lightbox.Checkout.showLightbox();
5. You can close LightBox by calling Lightbox.Checkout.closeLightbox();


Item Data Type Min-Max Length Optional/ Mandatory Comments
MID String 11-18 M The configured  PaySky

OMNI Gateway Merchant




string 6-8 M PaySky OMNI Gateway configured Terminal ID for the merchant
AmountTrxn Integer 1-15 M The payment amount in smallest currency unit, i.e. 1 Egyptian pound should

be 100 piasters

MerchantReference String 1-50 O Merchant reference for the transaction
TrxDateTime String 12 O Request datetime in format

“yyyyMMddHHmm” and it will be required when sending secure hash at request

SecureHash String 64 O Used for request integrity between client call and server. For more details please see appendix B,

section 5.1

Item Data Type Min-Max Length Optional/ Mandatory Comments
TxnDate String 12 M transaction execution date and time, format


SystemReference String 2-20 M PaySky OMNI Gateway transaction reference
NetworkReference String 10-15 M Tahweel reference number in case of a Tahweel transaction, mVisa reference in case of mVisa Transaction and payment gateway reference number in case of card transactions
MerchantReference String 1-50 O Merchant reference for the transaction
Amount String 1-15 M The payment amount in smallest currency unit, i.e. 1 Egyptian pound should be 100 piasters
Currency String 3 M transaction currency ISO code, EGP represented by 818
PaidThrough String 4-10 M transaction payment method (Card, Tahweel, mVisa)
PayerAccount String 14-36 M Masked card number in case of (card, mVisa) transaction or (mobile number, Tahweel merchant ID) in case of Tahweel transaction
PayerName String 0-50 O Payer name associated to the payer account


ProviderSchemeName String 5-20 O Payer wallet provider name
SecureHash String 64 M Used for response callback integrity between client call and server. For more details please see appendix B, section 5.2

Amount: “100”,
Currency: “818”,
MerchantReference: “Txn-1234”,
NetworkReference: “10005908321”,
PaidThrough: “Card”,
PayerAccount: “400000XXXXXX0002”,
PayerName: “123”,
ProviderSchemeName: “”,
SecureHash: “7E78BC68D15B717317ED7BBDC99A4AF7C50491D0D1E99155FD103B851428D2CD”, SystemReference: “78554”
TxnDate: “200917135922”,

Item Data Type Min-Max Length Optional/ Mandatory Comments
error String 11-18 M Error message and may contain error codes
DateTimeLocalTrxn String 12 M Error datetime
MerchantReference String 1-50 O Merchant reference for the transaction
Amount String 12 O transaction amount
SecureHash String 64 M Used for response callback integrity between client call and server. For more details please see appendix B, section 5.3

Amount: “1”,
DateTimeLocalTrxn: “200917142042”,
MerchantReferenece: “Txn-1234”,
SecureHash: “6226DEDA2D88E356BF3552F089EBC228242AC5B2ACD72C7A8B9749E048C65C0C”,
error: “Host Error”


Lightbox will be opened with allowed merchant payment options, extended to the following:

Card Payment channel #
Wallet “TAHWEEL” Payment channel #

This Option allows payers to pay using their mobile Wallet applications (e.g. Tahweel compliant Wallets in Egypt) by simply scanning the QR code on the PayForm plugin, the plugin will detect payment when completed and move to transaction completion page.

MVISA Payment channel #

This Option allows payers to pay using their mVisa (Visa Scan to Pay) by simply scanning the QR code on the PayForm plugin, the plugin will detect payment when completed and move to transaction completion page.

Pay on delivery Payment channel #

This option allows the payer to request a POS/MiniPOS terminal to be used to collect payment during delivery.

Pay on delivery overview #
  • Pay on delivery, is a service provided by PaySky to allow the purchaser to pay at the time of delivery rather than in advance/at the time of purchase.
  • There are two allowed payment options: Cash & Card.
  • System will send notification to the customer informing him with order id and amount through inquiry services.
  • you will have to enter Order ID or mobile number, customer can check his order details amount, customer name, order ID
      • If user choose to pay by card then CUBE service for paying order by card will called
      • If user choose to pay by cash then CUBE service for paying order by cash will called.
  • After payment, system will send order payment notification to customer (order payment notification)
Pay on delivery – MPOS Side #
  • After request is created, Payer will receive SMS as following:
  • inquire for this payment order through mPOS
  • After, you choose the payment method and go through successful payment method steps, you will receive a notification message on mobile:
  • For card Payment option choice, you will receive extra SMS:
Pay on delivery – Requests – Portal Side #

Merchant will have access to PaySky OMNI Gateway portal and can check the list of all related POD requests.

PayForm Plus Integration guide


This section details how to integrate with PAYSKY via API interface to retrieve transaction data Message Definition

The web service takes a JSON request to search on transaction log.


Request Message Format

Message Item Data Type Min-Max  Length  Presence  Comments
MerchantReference  String  10-36  O Merchant Reference for the  transaction
NetworkReference  String  10-36  O Tahweel reference number in case of a Tahweel transaction. mVisa reference in case of mVisa Transaction. And payment gateway reference number in case  of card transactions
TerminalId  String  6-8  M  The PAYSKY terminal ID
MerchantId  String  11-18  M PAYSKY Merchant Id applied the  transaction
DisplayLength  String  1-5  M Number of Transactions required  to be returned for the request
DisplayStart  String  1-5  M  The index to start fetch data from
Message Item Data Type Min-Max  Length  Presence  Comments
DateTimeLocalTrxn  String  12-12  M The request execution date and time with format


should be unique per terminal  requests

DateFrom  String  12-12  O The transaction execution date and time with format

“yyyyMMdd” to start search from

DateTo  String  12-12  O The transaction execution date and time with format

“yyyyMMdd” to end search to

SortCol  String  1-25  O The column name you want to  sort data with
SortDir  String  1-5  O The Sort direction either “asc” or  “desc”
SecureHash  String  20-250  M


A keyed hash message authorization code (HMAC) is a specific type of message authorization code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. It is used to verify both the data integrity and the authorization of a message. For more information on how to generate secure hash read  appendix B, section 5.4

Request Example


Response Message Formats

Message Item Data  Type Min-Max Length  Comments
Message  String  0-250 The message describes the transaction  execution status
Success  Boolean  4-5  Describe transaction execution status.
Transactions The array of transactions returned from  applying search parameters
CardNo  String  10-16  The card number executed the transaction
MobileNumber  String  12-14 The mobile number in case this is a Tahweel  transaction
Amnt  Integer  1-15  The transaction amount in piasters
Status  String  1-25 “Approved” if the transaction executed  successfully
Currency  String  3-3


The Transaction Currency shall conform to [ISO 4217] and shall contain the 3-digit numeric representation of the currency. For example, EGP is represented by the value “818”
Message Item Data  Type Min-Max Length  Comments
TransType  String  1-25  The transaction type
CardType  String  1-25  The card type
STAN  String  1-14  The system trace number, returned from CTMS
RRN  String  12-36 Retrieval reference number returned by the  payment gateway
MerchantReference  String  0-300  Merchant Reference for this transaction
ReceiptNo  String  12-14 The receipt number returned by the payment  gateway
TotalCountAllTransaction  Integer  1-10 The total count of returned transactions from  search result

Response Example

“Message”: null,
“Success”: true,
“TotalCountAllTransaction”: 1,
“Transactions”: [
“Date”: “18/11/2018”,
“DateTotalAmount”: “154”,
“DateTransactions”: [
“Amnt”: “77”,
“AmountTrxn”: “77”,
“CardNo”: “400000XXXXXX0002”,
“CardType”: “VISA”,

“Currency”: “EGP”,
“ExternalTxnId”: null,
“FeeAmnt”: “0”,
“IsRefundEnabled”: true,
“IsSend”: false,
“MerchantReference”: “PS_PAYSKY_Merchant”,
“MobileNumber”: null,
“RRN”: “1100053340”,
“ReceiptNo”: “832302529385”,
“ResCodeDesc”: “Approved”,
“STAN”: “878561”,
“SenderName”: null,
“Status”: “Approved”,
“TipAmnt”: “0”,
“TransType”: “Sale”,
“TransactionChannel”: “Card”,
“TransactionId”: “65324”,
“TxnDateTime”: “18/11/18 17:15”
] }


  • International Card Test data:

Card Number/ PAN: 4000000000000002
CVV2: 123
Card Expiry: 11/21

  • National Card Test data:

Card Number/PAN: 9818 1505 4122 9759
CVC: 994
Card Expiry: 08/68

  • Terminal ID:  Please refer to your integration consultant 
  • Merchant ID:  Please refer to your integration consultant
  • Sample Test Page:(you can view below page source and copy JS sample)


Secure hash used to verify client request and to ensure request data integrity, and its used at:

  1. LightBox request verification
  2. LightBox complete callback verification
  3. LightBox error callback verification
  4. Data service API request verification


Merchant Secret Key: to generate a valid secure hash is to have merchant secret key provided by PaySky


The SHA-256 HMAC is calculated as follows:

  1. The SHA-256 HMAC calculation includes these fields:
    • Amount
    • DateTimeLocalTrxn
    • MerchantId
    • MerchantReference
    • TerminalId
  2. The field names are sorted in ascending of parameter name as listed above.
  3. Construct a string by concatenating the string form of the sorted field name-value pairs. The string form of a name-value pair is the name followed by the value.
    • The field name and the value in each field name-value pair are joined using “=” as the separator.
    • The resulting joined field name-value pairs are themselves joined using “&” as the separator.
  4. Create a SHA-256 HMAC of the resultant string using the hex decoded value of merchant secret key given by PAYSKY integration consultant as the key.
  5. Encode the HMAC in hexadecimal convert it to uppercase and populate it in the request as the value for the SecureHash field that will be added to the request.


Using the following merchant secret key:


Using the following parameters:

Amount=100&DateTimeLocalTrxn=202009171418&MerchantId=43233&MerchantReference=Txn 1234&TerminalId=53532091

The resulting secure hash will be:



The SHA-256 HMAC is calculated as follows:

  1. All response query strings parameters except “SecureHash” should be included at hashing.
  2. The field names are sorted in ascending of parameter name as listed above.
  3. Construct a string by concatenating the string form of the sorted field name-value pairs. The string form of a name-value pair is the name followed by the value.
    • The field name and the value in each field name-value pair are joined using “=” as the separator.
    • The resulting joined field name-value pairs are themselves joined using “&” as the separator.
  4. Create a SHA-256 HMAC of the resultant string using the hex decoded value of merchant secret key given by PAYSKY integration consultant as the key.
  5. Encode the HMAC in hexadecimal convert it to uppercase and compare it to callback SecureHash value


Using the following merchant secret key:


Using the following parameters:

Amount=55&Currency=818&MerchantId=14554075972&MerchantReference=1234&PaidThrough=Card&Te  rminalId=93171742&TxnDate=20190826111304

The resulting secure hash will be:



The SHA-256 HMAC is calculated as follows:

  1. The SHA-256 HMAC calculation includes these fields:
    • Amount
    • DateTimeLocalTrxn
    • ErrorMessage
    • MerchantId
    • MerchantReference
    • TerminalId
  2. The field names are sorted in ascending of parameter name as listed above.
  3. Construct a string by concatenating the string form of the sorted field name-value pairs. The string form of a name-value pair is the name followed by the value.
    • The field name and the value in each field name-value pair are joined using “=” as the separator.
    • The resulting joined field name-value pairs are themselves joined using “&” as the separator.
  1. Create a SHA-256 HMAC of the resultant string using the hex decoded value of merchant secret key given by PAYSKY integration consultant as the key.
  2. Encode the HMAC in hexadecimal convert it to uppercase and compare it to callback SecureHash value


Using the following merchant secret key:


Using the following parameters:

Amount=55&DateTimeLocalTrxn=20190826111304&ErrorMessage=CubeEX:132123&MerchantId=14554075  972&MerchantReference=1234&TerminalId=93171742

The resulting secure hash will be:



The SHA-256 HMAC is calculated as follows:

  1. The SHA-256 HMAC calculation includes these fields:
    • DateTimeLocalTrxn
    • MerchantId
    • TerminalId
  2. The field names are sorted in ascending of parameter name as listed above.
  3. Construct a string by concatenating the string form of the sorted field name-value pairs. The string form of a name-value pair is the name followed by the value.
    • The field name and the value in each field name-value pair are joined using “=” as the separator.
    • The resulting joined field name-value pairs are themselves joined using “&” as the separator.
  1. Create a SHA-256 HMAC of the resultant string using the hex decoded value of merchant secret key given by PAYSKY integration consultant as the key.
  2. Encode the HMAC in hexadecimal convert it to uppercase and populate it in the request as the value for the SecureHash field that will be added to the request.


Using the following merchant secret key:


Using the following parameters:


The resulting secure hash will be:



Use the following URL: with correct parameters are set:



Code Meaning
00 Successful approval/completion or that VIP PIN verification is valid
01 Refer to card issuer
02 Refer to card issuer, special condition
03 Invalid merchant or service provider
04 Pickup
05 Do not honor
06 General error
07 Pick up card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card)
08 Honor with identification
09 Request in progress
10 Partial approval
11 VIP approval
12 Invalid transaction
13 Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program
14 Invalid account number (no such number)
15 No such issuer
16 Insufficient funds
17 Customer cancellation
19 Re-enter transaction
20 Invalid response
21 No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
22 Suspected Malfunction
25 Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry
28 File is temporarily unavailable


30 at error
41 Merchant should retain card (card reported lost)
43 Merchant should retain card (card reported stolen)
51 Insufficient funds
52 No checking account
53 No savings account
54 Expired card
55 Incorrect PIN
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 Transaction not allowed at terminal
59 Suspected fraud
61 Activity amount limit exceeded
62 Restricted card (for example, in country exclusion table)
63 Security violation
65 Activity count limit exceeded
68 Response received too late
75 Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76 Unable to locate previous message (no match on retrieval reference number)
77 Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message
78 ’Blocked, first used’—The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked.
80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date
81 PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption)
82 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
83 Unable to verify PIN
85 No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification; or a credit voucher or merchandise return
91 Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction)


92 Destination cannot be found for routing
93 Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94 Duplicate transmission
95 Reconcile error
96 System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions
B1 Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only)
N0 Force STIP
N3 Cash service not available
N4 Cashback request exceeds issuer limit
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure
P2 Invalid biller ination
P5 PIN change/unblock request declined
P6 Unsafe PIN
Q1 Card authentication failed
R0 Stop payment order
R1 Revocation of authorization order
R3 Revocation of all authorizations order
XA Forward to issuer
XD Forward to issuer
Z3 Unable to go online

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